Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There is an old cliche that says, "be careful what you pray for, you might get it."

This came up for me last week when I was talking to one of our clients who had been seeking a job for months. He finally found one through personal connections, one that afforded him a good salary in a position that was not physically demanding. At first he was ecstatic. The job paid well, and it would allow him to save money to return home to see his children once he completed the program.

However, when it was his turn to share in group he talked about how his new job had created challenges for him. He is religious and has found himself praying that he will be able to get through the day in this new position. While the job is not physically demanding, it's emotionally draining.

The client has to work 24 hour shifts and, on occasion, he works 36 hours straight. The job is in a quasi-medical setting and he’s at this employer’s beck and call all day. The exception is when the employer sleeps.

While the client was discussing how he was dealing with his job someone asked if he thought he could work there and stay sober. He said his sobriety wasn't in jeopardy. But he knew he couldn't take it personal when the employer, who is seriously ill, is abusive or demanding.

During group other clients had ideas of how he might be able to deal with his charge. And because the client is too close to the situation to be objective he appreciated the input.

Before he was through someone pointed out to him that he had been praying for a job. Someone else suggested that he might be more specific when he prays for something. After all he did get a job. It just probably wasn't what he had in mind.

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