Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meeting Magic

The magic of the 12-step programs was on display at yesterday’s meeting. In the room were several newcomers with less than 30 day’s sobriety – and a few with only 24 hours.  Sprinkled among them were three people with over 20 years, and one man with 30+ years.  Also in the mix were half a dozen members who’d been sober upwards of ten years.

The contrast between newcomers and old-timers was strong. Those who’d been around for years spoke briefly about what it was like before the program. But most of their time was spent telling of the wonderful lives they have today – all because they found sobriety so many years ago.

One man had been on vacation with his family for nearly three months, and was leaving for another trip in a few days. Another talked about his business success and the circle of friends he’d found in sobriety.

And no matter what success the long term sober were enjoying today, they all talked about the peace and serenity they found in the program.  The joy they took in their lives today gave hope to those who had just walked in the doors looking for answers.

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