Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Birthday!

The ultimate payoff for those of us in the recovery field is to see a client whose life is getting better. At least, that's the case for me. And yesterday, it happened again.

A graduate client sent a text that mentioned he was celebrating a belly button birthday. Now in the larger scheme of things a birthday's not a big deal for most people. But in this man's case, he's lucky to be alive to celebrate a birthday. Most people who’ve lived as he has are no longer with us.

His history includes marathon drinking bouts, multiple trips to rehabs and detoxes, prison terms, street fights, homelessness and broken relationship – not a positive career path.

Predicting who's going to stay sober and who's going to relapse is a waste. I'm not good at this. But if one were so inclined, the prediction in this man's case would have been that he wouldn't last a week or two.

However, it seemed like he'd had enough. He followed our suggestions. He worked hard every day. He found a sponsor and worked the steps. He showed up at meetings three to four times a week. He found friends in recovery.

TLC gave this man an opportunity and he took advantage of it.

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