Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Step

After his second attempt, a long-term client graduated from our nine-month aftercare program last night. When he was in aftercare a few years ago he said that he probably wouldn't be at the meeting the following week. And he wasn't. He suddenly disappeared to begin another long downward spiral of drinking.

It was wonderful to see his success because at one time he was so closed up that he wouldn't communicate much during groups. He’d lived in parks and on the river bottom for over five years. He seemed gloomy all the time. It was literally day-to-day with him. He now projects a quiet confidence. He's undergone extensive dental work and has a new smile. He'd recently lost his position with TLC. But, instead of being depressed, he looked at it as an opportunity to find a better job.

He said that one of the things that made a difference for him this time  is he realized he didn't know everything. He was willing to listen, to take advice. He's learning to trust. He enrolled in outside counseling from Terros, a local outpatient program, and participated in extensive therapy. He also was placed on medication to help regulate his mood.

Our best payoff comes when we see clients move forward - to see them achieve the serenity and sense of accomplishment that many non-alcoholics enjoy in their daily lives.

We wish this client continued success.

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