Saturday, August 18, 2012

Grateful for it All

During these hot summer days we speak often about the 115 degree heat, the humidity, the endless sticky days.

I tell out of state clients about this being the worst part of the year. They give me odd looks when I say 100 degrees is decent weather here - that we'll be there before we know it. I tell them they’ll get used to it. I’m not sure they believe me - even though I sound serious and really mean it.

But during this season I muster gratitude and remember there’s a rhyme and reason to everything in God’s world. I don’t  like the heat; I simply accept that it's His business. Another area of life where I have no power.

So even during this season I try to live in gratitude. For example, today the monsoon sky was a dull gray cloud cover that lowered the temperature enough to make things bearable. I was thankful for that.

Sometimes late in the evening when it's this oppressive I float on my back in the pool, looking at the stars, and reflect that I almost missed all of this because of my addictions.

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