Friday, June 7, 2013

Got a Quarter?

Today as I was going into a convenience store a panhandler asked for a quarter for a phone call. I searched my pockets for change, but then finding that I didn't have any, I went inside and asked the clerk if he would change a dollar.

"You're not giving it to that bum outside?" he asked me, his voice filled with irritation. "He asked me for a quarter and I made him leave."

I started to ask the clerk why he cared, and then realized I probably didn't need to do that. I wasn't sure he'd understand. But he gave me my change anyway.  And I went outside and gave the man the quarter for his phone call.

Even though I wasn't angry about the clerk's response, on some level it disturbed me. After all, a quarter is a small thing and sometimes small things make a difference.

This isn't my first time having this experience.  I've handed money to a panhandler and bystanders actually warn me – as if I didn't understand they might use the money for drugs or alcohol.

To me it doesn't make a difference whether they're drug addicts, mentally challenged, or just people down on their luck. In my mind, if a person's life is so bad they have to ask strangers for help then I'll try to help them if it's within my means.

My gift is between me and God. What they do with it do with it is between them and God.