Friday, August 2, 2013


A client who was arrogant and uncooperative six months ago when he arrived at the outpatient clinic, graduated today. And the humility with which he spoke at the ceremony indicated how much he'd changed in those six months.

When he first arrived he knew virtually everything. He knew what he needed. He knew how to deal with his probation officer. He needed to hang out with his girlfriend instead of being at groups. Most of us believed, that with his attitude, it wouldn't be long before his probation officer took him back to jail. And a few times he got serious consequences for his behavior.

On one occasion he was moved to another facility for a while, to a part of the program that is much more rigorous than the outpatient treatment clinic. And that might have been a watershed moment for him, living in those circumstances. Because when he returned he was a different person. Even though he appeared reluctant, he did what was asked of him and started making progress.

Today it was great to see him graduate. His success shows us that we need never give up on even the most problematic of clients - no matter how frustrating and unpleasant it can be to deal with them.

We wish him well in his new endeavors.