Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tough Love

Today’s blog includes an email from a mother who’s a regular reader of this blog. I include parts of it here because it powerfully illustrates what parents go through with addict children. Perhaps this will help other parents as they struggle to make decisions about how to help without enabling.

“I have commented to you before. I read your blog nearly every day. I'm the parent of a drug addict. Nearly 3-1/2 years ago, we "intervened" and she agreed to treatment. On day 28, she was kicked out for relapsing. It has been a cycle of ups and downs since then. Almost 2 years ago, we took the tough love approach and drew our line in the sand.

"We can no longer be a part of your life if you choose to use".

We cut off her cell phone and any financial assistance we had been giving. We didn't expect this to be an ultimatum, we were serious about this. My heart couldn't take the constant turmoil any more. I became clean of my addiction to helping her.

“She has continued her lifestyle and has not had any meaningful contact with us since. We are raising her son.

“I'm honestly surprised she's still alive. She's been in jail numerous times for shoplifting and trespassing. She was a witness to a murder in a drug/gun deal gone bad.

“We have had a chance to relocate out of state. I have sent her a couple of messages via Facebook letting her know we love her and miss having her be part of our life. I've offered her help with treatment if she's interested. I've recommended your program numerous times.

“I'm saying all of this to say that while it is absolutely the best approach to back off and let them be in control of their own downward spiral. That decision comes with the risk that they may never choose to be clean. Sad as that may be. In your years of experience, am I speaking an accurate truth?”

I think she spoke truth.

This email once more reminds those of us who are addicts of the damage we left in our wake in our quest for self-gratification.
