Monday, January 20, 2014

Plenty of Addicts

Our website features a form where people can leave messages or request information about the program.

Enough requests come in to let me know there are a lot of sick people in the world who need help.

Sometimes the form will contain a simple plea like: "Help. I can’t stop using.”

Others are longer: "I'm homeless. No money. I have diabetes. I have no place to turn. Can you help?"

Sometimes we'receive requests for a bus or plane ticket. And my response is always the same: we only provide local transportation around Phoenix and Tucson in the metro areas.

At least once a month someone wonders if we have a facility near their home in Podunk because they don’t want to travel far from home.

Often the message is gibberish. And when I respond, I get a question back like "Who the hell are you?" Kind of like they were in a blackout when they wrote it.

While I’ve never doubted that there are plenty of alcoholics and addicts in the world who need help, these messages reaffirm that we’re still needed.

And the best thing about it is God has provided a way for us to continue to do this work through good times and bad.

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