Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sharing what Works

The client sitting in my office has a long resume of crime and drug use. He walked prison yards for much of his life. When he was free he immersed himself in drugs and alcohol and crime.

Yet that kind of life no longer works. And that's why he's in my office. He's sick of the lifestyle that's robbing him of his freedom and sapping his health.

So how can I help? I'm not really sure. I'm never sure, because when we're helping people there's no black and white way to do it. For me it's more of an intuitive thing. So I start with the fact that he's willing to do something different. That he wants to change and needs direction.

I share with him what works for me. Tell him about compassion for others, that being compassionate will help him heal. I talk to him about losing ego because our ego is our worst enemy. And, above all, I suggested he try to walk in gratitude. Because gratitude is a protective shield – especially for those of us in recovery.

These are new ideas for someone with his background. But he says he’ll be back next week.

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