Saturday, August 9, 2014

Carrying the Mess

My advice to others in recovery is to "carry the message, not the mess. "

But sometimes I don't follow my own advice. And this happens when I'm busy and unaware.

Like yesterday I'm sorting out an accounting issue and in comes an email. I don't usually read emails as they come in because they distract me.

But I read this one, maybe because I wanted a break from what I was doing.

Anyway, the writer was frantic. Stranded somewhere in another state. Strung out on who knows what. Everyone hated him. Broke. No one would help and so forth. The same long story we all told before we got sober.

So I made suggestions about how he could get help and get here.

He had reasons why they wouldn't work.

I gave him more ideas.

Nope, they wouldn't work either. And he had several reasons why they wouldn't.

Finally, I realized we were going in circles. I'd given several creative suggestions, only to have him tell me why they wouldn't work.

When I noticed how I was getting involved in his drama I pulled back.

At the end I told him we'd have a bed for him in the halfway houses. But he'd have to figure out how to get here.