Saturday, March 14, 2015

Success Story

Some days it's very clear to me why I continue to do this work.

A former client stops at my office yesterday and asks me to fill out a reference form. And I was happy to help him.

While there, he told me how pleased he was because ASU recently accepted him as a student.

It moved me when he told me this because less than five years ago he came to TLC with nothing. He was the product of the streets and prison yards. Drugs and crime had ruled his life for years.

In his early days at TLC he determined to get an education and enrolled at a community college. He also continued to do what he needed to at TLC. Plus he became active in the 12-step programs.

Even though it was tough for him, he persisted. Many a day he would say he couldn't do the work. It was too hard.  He didn't understand it. But he kept going. He never stopped believing in himself. He asked others for help and enlisted the aid of tutors.

He's another example of someone who came to our program to change his life.  Then he went above and beyond.