Saturday, May 16, 2015

Not my Amigo

"Your ego is not your amigo" graffiti seen on Phoenix wall.

A friend sent me a photo of the above message. And I thought, what a perfect way to describe that troublemaker that resides in my brain.

That overbearing messenger that says, "Go on, you can do it!"

Or, "You don't have to take that crap off those people! Don't they know who you are?"

Ego is what gets our feelings hurt. It's what induces us to buy a bigger car than our neighbors. Or to buy a house we can't afford. To spend money we don't have. And causes us to be angry and defensive when people don't tell us what we like to hear. It's that little terrorist in our mind that doesn't allow us to be wrong.

How do we keep our ego under control? It takes constant vigilance and maintenance.

When we get into meaningless spats with others can we just tell ourselves that the outcome makes no difference? That it's not important who's right or wrong?

Can we listen more than we speak?

When I'm able to control my ego - or at least curb it - then life goes so much more smoothly.