Sunday, July 26, 2015

Feeling Good

My goal for most of my life has been to feel as good as possible.

To achieve that goal during my using years I ingested various substances to achieve a state of bliss. Heroin. Alcohol. Cocaine. Whatever would do the job.

The substances I like best are illegal and costly. As a result, supporting my habits took a lot of resources I didn't have. And I kept having to break the law to take care of my habit.

Now that I've been clean going on 25 years I still have the same goal: I want to feel as good as possible. To achieve that now, I live a certain lifestyle.

Having loving people around me. No smoking. Don't eat processed food. Exercise an hour a day. Meditate. Don't hurry. Do meaningful work. I've integrated all these things into my life over the years - and they work.

But still, are we going to feel good all the time? Of course not. And that's another part of the equation. It's to accept that sometimes - in spite of our best efforts - we're going to be off center. We might have setbacks, pain, minor depression, family squabbles, whatever. But recognizing this as a part of life helps us weather these times and stay clean and sober.