Saturday, February 20, 2016

Don't Apologize

I seldom apologize.

And the reason is that after being on the planet for over 75 years I've learned to keep myself out of situations where I have to apologize.

I was reminded of that yesterday when a small group of people - one after another- stopped at my office to apologize for the way they communicated in group the prior day. Their apologies were well accepted, and appreciated. But they could have been avoided.

They were having differences over trivialities. Things that need not rise to the level of anger. Yet they did.

After being with TLC forever I've learned that most disagreements aren't about much. They're more about delivery, about the way people talk to one another.

With practice and patience we can express any feeling. The secret is learning to do it with respect and regard for the other person.

If we treat everyone with dignity and respect there's never anything to apologize for.

And for me being at peace with my fellow-man is what it's all about.

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