Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sharing Joy

While doing this blog since June of 2010 I've struck up correspondence with more than one reader.

Every few months I'll get a comment from someone I haven't heard from in a while. The nice part of

it is that it's never anything negative, always something positive and upbeat about how life is going. And there's usually some kind of credit in there for me. I don't deserve it, but my puny addict ego takes it anyway. Hey, I'll take whatever I can get.

The writer tells me that I probably don't remember her or what she looks like from when she was at TLC. But to me a person’s looks aren't that important. What's important is what's in their heart. And this woman has a heart of gratitude. Even when she's down, which is rarely, she immediately puts the blame squarely back on herself. Which tells me her recovery is solid and well-grounded.

To me the important part of looks is what one projects from the inside out. And that’s what this woman has given the world since she’s been in recovery; she gives the world the idea that there's something wonderful in recovery because she has plenty of joy to share with those around her.

Thank you, Julie.