Saturday, July 2, 2016

Expecting Change

I write often about change and the impermanence of things. But it wasn't always that way.

For example, when I was in my early twenties I went to work as a staff writer for a California newspaper. I was just out of prison and I was pretty full of myself.

And while I was at that job I was impressed with the technology they used. The type that printed the paper used to be set by hand. Then when a page was completely set up, hot lead was poured over to make a mold that was used to print the paper. I'm making it sound simple here, but it was state of the art at the time.  Now it's all computerized.

And further, I never believed there'd be a time when newspapers were unnecessary. I never imagined things like computers and the internet. And today the newspapers that were unable to incorporate an online edition into their business model have pretty much folded. Something I'd never have imagined.

Today one of the constants in my life is that I firmly believe in change. If fact, if we can count on anything at all on this planet is that things will be different. Either this minute or right around the corner. And because I once thought I was in control of my life this disturbed me a lot. Just when I thought I had the perfect situation - things would change. Nothing stayed as I thought it should.

I've since been freed of that illusion through the study of mindfulness and meditation. I've come to believe that we are never standing still. That our lives and circumstances are always in the process of change. Why is that good for me and humans in general?

Because if what we expect in life is change then we're not knocked off balance when we don't get what we expected. When something unanticipated happens my usual response is that "I expected that."

And I'm able to live with whatever happens. I don't need to put a needle in arm. Or drink. Or even get angry.

The benefit of this attitude is that I'm much calmer and at peace with myself.