Friday, July 8, 2016

Reason for Gratitude

While preparing to write this blog I walk by the TV this evening and see the news out of Dallas. Two police officers shot. Maybe as many as six wounded. It's still such fresh news that the details are fuzzy.

And the first emotion that crosses by mind is gratitude. Of being thankful that I'm not in a dangerous place like that at this moment.

The next emotion is compassion for those folks who are so frustrated that they must take to the streets in protest. It must be awful to feel that you are powerless and maybe in danger from those who are supposed to protect you.

We live in one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Yet many - for whatever reason - don't enjoy many of the benefits our country offers. I don't know if they truly lack opportunity. Or if they simply don't know how to go after what they want in a positive way.  They don't know how to leave a bad environment.

Something I do know is that most anyone who uses violence has come to the end of the road. Violence is the end result of anger and frustration. And no matter who wins the fight - everyone suffers.

Long ago - even while locked up - I learned that most situations could be resolved through effective communication.

That's something that's easy to say, though. And often difficult to put into effect.

All we can do is pray that the violence subsides without anyone else getting injured.