Sunday, October 16, 2016

Having a grateful Day

If we start our day by finding three things to be grateful for we can't go wrong.

What if we can't think of anything? Then we're not using our imagination.

We only need look around us and we can find a world of suffering.

How about the poor wretch we see on our way to the office, sitting on the bus bench? All of his worldly possessions in a filthy backpack at his side? He's staring into space at a world of his own creation. Can we be grateful that’s not us?

What about the news blurb from Aleppo, Syria, where we see tearful civilians digging their loved ones from beneath the rubble of a bombing attack on their city? We can be happy that we live in a relatively peaceful society, one not wracked by war.

How about the contrast between our world and theirs? We pull into our parking space. Go into our comfortable office. Maybe enjoying a coffee while chatting with our co-workers. We can be grateful for our jobs. Our health.

Finding things to be grateful for is all relative. There’s always someone whose life is a mess. People without opportunity.  Third world people who live on two dollars a day and somehow survive.

If we start our day with three things we’re grateful for, whether they’re small or large, we’re going to have a great day without even trying.