Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Too Young to Die

As I arrive at the office yesterday I greet a coworker who's usually upbeat and cheerful.  But right away I notice she's kind of down and teary-eyed.

Before I can ask what's going on she tells me that her 13-year-old nephew had passed away after a long battle with a blood disease.

It was kind of a shock because I'd been on the internet following his back and forth battle with the disease.  And because at times he seemed to be improving I never really considered that he might suddenly pass away.  He was just too young, hadn't even had a chance to experience life.

My coworker mentioned how we addicts and alcoholics are still alive after all of the messes we create in our lives and in the world, but we lose a young and innocent boy.

Yet the truth is that innocent, good people, succumb randomly to illness or accidents in a pattern that shows there are no universal rules, no cosmic justice, about who survives and who doesn't.

Perhaps one takeaway from this is that we should try to live our lives to the fullest, giving our best to the world and being grateful for the moments we have on this planet.

Regardless of how we lived in the past.

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