Saturday, August 18, 2018

A strong Team

I finally got back to the office yesterday after returning the day before from a week in Maui.

And even though I've come back from vacation many times before and always find things running perfectly I still have a warm feeling when I return and find that everybody's been doing what they're supposed to do.

And it's not that I'm an untrusting person or don't have confidence in those who run our programs. I think it's that I marvel at what addicts and alcoholics can do when they get sober and unleash their potential.

Within our management, we have people from every background.  We have those who have no criminal history, and others who have spent decades behind bars. Some have college degrees, others have only finished high school.  We have clients ranging from 18 years old to some in their 70's.

Yet somehow this diverse group - with their common goal of rebuilding their lives and staying sober - manages to function as a well-coordinated team to get their jobs done.

Does that mean they that they never disagree or that everything runs perfectly all the time?  Of course not.  But somehow they keep things together in a way that makes me proud that they're part of TLC.

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