Friday, August 24, 2018

Gratitude Letter

I received a brief letter from one of our managers last week, one that I wanted to share with readers. And the reason is that this letter exemplifies what TLC is all about and some of the changes that it brings to our clients' lives.

It reads:

"Thank you, John

I'm writing this note to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of your vision to help others find sobriety.

Realizing that our goals, through your program, to develop integrity, ethics and a moral compass are just as important as the abstinence from substances and true sobriety is inspirational.

The ability to work on my recovery while trying to facilitate your ideas of a well-rounded program has made me realize that we all have a higher purpose should we choose to work for it.

The monetary compensation is greatly appreciated as well as the benefits of health that the dental procedures have provided me. But the ability to reset my life is invaluable. Once again – thank you. 

Your friend in need and follow supporter."

(Name left out to protect anonymity)

I receive letters like this ever so often. And once in a while I publish them because the message comes from the heart.

Many times clients arrived in our program in poor health, having lost everything to their addiction. And every so often one of them will start realizing the benefits of sobriety and stay with us for a while, some until they work their way into management. 

That's what happened to the author of this letter. He worked his way up from the bottom and found a place in management. He's giving back to his fellow addicts, while at the same time maintaining his sobriety.

He used TLC just the way it was designed and is reaping the benefits of his hard work and consistent effort.

Click here to email John