Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ups and Downs...

I opened my eyes about 4:30 AM and wasn't at all looking forward to today.

I'd gone to bed with a lot of unfinished business on my plate and didn't sleep well.

A bank was asking me a lot of questions that I couldn't answer off the tip of my tongue. I was going to have to talk to our accounting department and see if we could dredge up the answers. We are in the process of refinancing about eight properties to lower the interest rates. And banks, understandably, want a lot of details before they make investments of that size.

I didn't blame them for asking the questions. When I was in grammar school I always dreaded doing homework. And somehow, answering these kinds of questions is like doing homework. It's just one of those things I dread.

And then I got an update yesterday about some new regulations that the state is coming out with regarding recovery programs. I knew they'd been working on some, but I wasn't sure if the rules they were making up applied to programs like ours. My last observation was that they probably would.

And then all this week I've had some ongoing conflicts with family members that seemed endless.

And on top of those three things, my shoulder hurt because I keep forgetting that I'm 80 years old and that I can't throw weights around like I used to because sometimes I overdo it. It's just part of my addict personality.

So with all of those things on my plate, I start my day.

But before I put my feet on the floor I decided that I was going to attack things head on. And as a friend of mine does, I decided to face the toughest issue first. And that was the banking issue.

I took a chance and called the banker's office around 7 AM on the off chance that he might be there early. And I was in luck. Not only was he there, but he was in a pretty good mood. And the first thing he said was that the after hours email I'd sent him answered all of his questions. And that if he had any more he would call me later on. One down.

Later in the morning, once I was in my office, I found out that the state's new regulations will probably not apply to us. Two down.

After that I got a pleasant email from the family member I've hassling with. Three down.

And as to my painful shoulder I'm not going to exercise it today. Instead, I'll get on the elliptical machine and do some cardio while I read my iPad.

And as I conclude this blog I remind myself that the only thing I can count on in life is that there will be changes – some of which I will like and others that I won't.
