One of the interesting things about my job is how surprised we are when clients act just like we used to.
A while back we hired a couple of clients for management positions. And they had all the credentials. They were grateful to be sober. They were happy to be given a position where they could help others. They could use a computer with some skill. One of them had done a little prison time. Like I said, they had the qualifications for the job.However, within a couple of weeks we found out who they really were. We learned within a short time they were stealing from other clients, from TLC, getting high, and in general acting like many of us behaved before we got here.
Since this hadn't happened in a while, I was a little taken aback. But I knew I had no one to blame but myself. After all, I approved the decision to hire them on a probationary basis. Still, it's kind of a let down when we open our doors and welcome people - only to have them rip us off.
Now I know how all those people who trusted me must have felt when I returned their kindness with the kind of treachery an addict can sometimes give in return.