Thursday, March 9, 2023

Gratitude for Everything

When we awaken in the morning we start our day in a certain state of mind.  Some of us are rested.  And grateful for a good night's sleep,  Others of us are grumpy bears because know we have a lot of issues awaiting us when we arrive at our desk.  And the way we wake up will dictate the kind of day we're going to have.  We've set the course for our next several hours.

 But what if we could develop a way of thinking, and continual state of mind where we're grateful and accepting of whatever goes on in our lives.  Then we'd be happy as anyone could be because we're living a life where nothing is wrong.  Everything is going the way it should be, and we find fulfillment in the life we're leading.

I've heard tell there are millionaires and billionaires who live miserable lives in the middle of their cushy wealth.  Maybe somewhere along the way they came to believe that if they just had enough material stuff that they would be happy and satisfied.  But my belief is that more stuff will not make me happy.  Bigger and better is not what happiness is wrapped in.  

Now it's true that riches and expensive toys can bring us pleasure.  But true happiness is not found in pleasure on a long term basis; eventually pleasure becomes the new norm and we need to find another level of pleasure better than the pleasure we've become used to.  So how do we repair this fixation on material pleasure, how do we escape it's grasp?

Simple.  We learn to accept that the world is exactly the way it's supposed to be at this moment.  We find that there's a reason for everything and deeply accept it.  We embrace the fact that we're human and that shit doesn't  always go our way.

Try this right now as an experiment:   Find something you're unhappy about that you can't change.  Accept deep in your insides, your inner soul, that this is exactly the way life is supposed to be right now.  Try to change nothing, just melt into acceptance and tell yourself that life is just as it's supposed to be.  If you keep practicing this you'll find that your world is changing to one of happiness because you want nothing other than what is at this moment.

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