Sunday, March 12, 2023

Guaranteed Sobriety

Our program offers a 100% sobriety guarantee. Yes that's right. This is not a misprint. Your eyes are not deceiving you:  a 100% sobriety guarantee.

Now, you may ask yourself, how can anyone make such a brash statement? After all, professionals have been trying for years to get us addicts and alcoholics clean and sober. And all of a sudden you guys come along with your little recovery program and make a statement like this. What up? And why isn't the world beating a path to your door?

Well, I guess this is sort of tongue-in-cheek.  And there is one caveat. And that is that this guarantee is 100% -
 but only if the client does exactly as we say.

Because the information we dispense and the program that we run works for anyone who seriously wants to get clean and sober. But it always comes down to the willingness of the client.

After all, no one ever held any of us down and put a needle in our arm. No one forces alcohol down our throat. No one puts pills in our coffee. No one forced a crack pipe between our teeth.  We are always co-conspirators in our addiction, authors of our own misery.

But what happens for many clients – those who don't succeed – is that after a few meals and a few nights rest they start looking at externals: I don't like the food. TLC is trying to get rich off us addicts. They expect me to get a job.. They don't treat me with respect (After all I'm a grown ass adult). They want me to bring my uncashed check to the office to make sure they get their money. The list of reasons why TLC doesn’t work for them goes on and on.

At this point their addiction once more is waking up. They need a fix. Or they need a drink. In other words, they're not done yet.

However if they do what we suggest: go to meetings, get a job, pay their child support, get a sponsor, and become responsible, they will succeed in recovery. 100% of the time,

It takes a while for many of us to cross over that bridge from our addiction to the land of sweet recovery.

However, if our clients do what we suggest they'll get there. Guaranteed.

Click here to text John

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