Friday, March 29, 2024
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Perfect World
How do we deal with life in an imperfect world? When our clients don't pay their bills on time? When the staff gets stressed because they know we're in a dire situation? I'm not sure of the correct answer but I do know that I've sat in a lot of 12-step meetings and counseling sessions that taught me to live life one day at a time.
Do I like the idea that we need to live one day at a time? Not really. And that's because I'm a self-centered addict who wants everything how and when he wants it. But in 33 years of sobriety I've learned that things don't always go the way I want them to go. But I've also learned that I'm powerless over most things outside myself - so I trust the universe to provide a solution to whatever dilemma I find myself in. And you know if I just have patience and faith in the process life works out for the best.
And that's what I'm doing today. Trusting in my higher power and living one day at a time is my solution.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Still the Same
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Gratitude is one of the pillars of an enjoyable life. Being ungrateful breeds unhappiness. And having worked with recovering addicts and alcoholics for 33 years I believe that being ungrateful for what we have now opens the door to addiction to substances.
Many clients think that life would be perfect if they just had enough money, cars, girlfriends, vacations, or houses. In other words - more stuff. So, enough stuff would make me feel good. But when they get enough stuff they learn than "enough" is a relative term. As soon as we get a dose of what we want we find that it also is another empty fantasy.
If you say that you have nothing to be grateful for then you don't watch the news or follow the stories on the internet about what's going on in the world. Wars in multiple countries. Cannibalism in Haiti. Thousands of homeless living on the streets of our largest cities. My point is that we simply have to look around us and find many reasons for gratitude.
Look around and see that you have much more than most others: that's gratitude.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Back at AA
I finally did something I haven't done since I joined the program 33 years ago; I went for weeks without attending a meeting. And why would I give up the lifeline that rescued me from the very misery that nearly destroyed my life?
Simple. I'd had an accident while working out and fractured my right foot - causing the doctor to fit me with at boot that confined my to my home since the first week of December. While that doesn't seem like very long, maybe you should give it a try sometime. At first I didn't think it would be a big deal. Plenty of time to catch up on my reading. Lots of time to binge watch movies. Plenty of time to hang out on the web.
But let me tell you something; when you're a physically active person just hanging around the house gets boring real fast. While I got a lot of support from AA friends and my sponsor there's nothing like spending time at meetings fellow - shipping with those I got sober with.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Enjoying Work
I finally spent a full day at work after having been under medical care for nearly four months. The broken foot I suffered December third had prevented me from getting to my upstairs office. My doctor made me wear a boot that prevented me from going to the second floor of the non-profit where I work - one that that doesn't have funds for elevators,
We finally got around the problem by moving my office downstairs until my foot completely heals. And what a joy it was too get back! Not that we got any work done, but did some catching up on business.
During my time away I found myself falling into bouts of depression. While we were able to work remotely, there's nothing like working alongside my companions in recovery.
That's why I don't look at the work I do as a job. Instead, I look at it as an avocation that helps me and others help people on the path of recovery. Totally immerse yourself in your work, in your mission, and you'll never work a day in your life.