Wednesday, January 2, 2013

No Techie

When I was born in last century - before World War II - our state of technology was primitive by today's standards..

In fact. when I came home from the hospital our cutting-edge technology was a small scratchy radio that was the focal point of the living room. We didn't even have a telephone until after World War II And when we did get a telephone, It was a party line. Which means that half a dozen of the neighbors shared the same line. However, it was the latest innovation and a big deal to us.

Seven or eight years later came television and then wave after wave of technology that continues to this moment.

And my point? Well, I’m rambling on because I’m pleased to finally release the latest version of the TLC website – after struggling to update it for a few months. And I guess I’m pleased about this because I’m not a techie – but a throwback to a pre-technology era who's been able to produce a new site.

And while I’m never totally satisfied with a product, this site is functional and easy for me to access and update. I can take care of it in minutes and for that I’m grateful.

Even though my alcoholic-addict ego says I can do anything, my goal is not to be a web designer. My goal is to help people get sober and change lives.

And the internet is just another tool to help. And I'm grateful my brain still works well enough to permit me to do projects like this.

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