Here's an email response to the May 2nd blog on gratitude. I thought it worth sharing.
"Just wanted to respond to your blog from May 2nd real quick.
It is easy for me to see and to practice gratitude today. I have been clean and sober for a little bit now and due to the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and from taking suggestions from sober people that have something I want, I am able to see everything with a fresh perspective. For many years I thought I was a victim. Today I am able to see that I created my own misery, God didn't do it, nor my mother or loved ones.
There was a time in my life when I would start the day with the game plan that I just needed to get fifty cents from eight people, I could get a pint of cheap vodka to get my day started. That pint of vodka would give me temporary relief from the insanity and self-pity from the mess I had made of my life. This morning I probably have about thirty dollars in my wallet and the next time I go to the bank will be to deposit money, not to make a withdrawal. I feel tremendous gratitude each afternoon when I turn the key in the lock on the door to the apartment I live in. Turning that key is such a simple act, but for me, it brings me joy, relief, and comfort.
Anyway, I am truly grateful today. Not for the material things in life, but rather for the peace of mind that I have today. That peace of mind is something that one cannot put a price tag on. This peace of mind was only available to me only after I had endured enough pain and was willing to surrender and start taking suggestions from others on how to change my life for the better.
Thanks for hearing me out John.. =)
Sincerely, MB"