On my gratitude list today is how well our staff has dealt with the pandemic. And as evidence of what a good job they've done, we simply can look at our population of more than 600 residents.
Out of that population we have had only 12 clients put on quarantine. And none of them ended up in the hospital. Most were on quarantine for two weeks; one even spent 28 days at home.
They complied with the recommended guidelines and wore masks and practiced social distancing as much as posssible. Did everyone comply 100%?
Of course not. But they washed their hands, distanced themselves, sanitized living areas, and took extra steps to comply with health department guidelines.
About half of our corporate office volunteers were able to work from home. And those that needed to be at the office went home as soon as they finished their projects. Most were gone by midday.
As I said at the beginning I'm grateful for the way our people stepped up and looked out for one another.
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