Going into Circle K this morning a man approached me and asked me if I had a dollar for a cup of coffee.
I told him that I didn't have any change, but that when I came back out of the store I would give him a couple dollars. Which I did. And when I gave him the money I thought I would bring it to his attention that they had a sign inside the store that said "help wanted." Just in case he happened to be looking for employment.
Of course I know that what I told him was a fantasy. He wasn't looking for money. He was looking for exactly what he got: a handout which only took him a few moments to ask for.
Even though we're supposed to be in the worst of times during this pandemic, I still see signs in store windows placed there by business people who are looking for help. Kind of like things were before the pandemic came raging through the country.
Of course I know that a lot of people are suffering economically, because they're not making the kind of money they used to earn before the economy went sideways. But still I see people who are are willing to work. And then I see bums like the guy who was standing outside Circle K who probably wouldn't work, no matter what kind of job he was offered.
I guess the point I'm making here is that we should always have gratitude for the opportunities that we do have – whether we take advantage of them or not. Things could be worse.
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