"These people here don't know how to drive," he tells me, anger and frustration in his voice, Since he spends a lot of time on freeways I'm sure he's not too happy during his commutes.
So I share with him something my sponsor said a long time ago. I'd arrived a few minutes late to a meeting and when it was my turn to share I expressed my anger at the traffic that had made me late. My sponsor could see I was upset and when it was his turn to share he said something that I know was directed at me.
"I learned a long time ago that I could only drive one car at a time," he said. And with that simple statement he influenced my driving behavior from then on. While he passed on around 20 years ago I no longer drive any cars on the highway other than my own. Oh yes, once in a while someone's driving behavior will scare me and I'll react for a second. But, as a rule, I drive my own vehicle as safely as I can and don't cuss at other drivers or flip them off like I once did. And my life is much more peaceful with just that one small piece of wisdom from my sponsor.
I shared this information with my friend but I doubt if it'll work. Because when he used to live in Arizona he used to say that the driver's here also didn't know how to drive.
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