Monday, July 22, 2024

Recovery: Bringing us life's Riches

As I reflect on my recent trip to the Mexican Riviera, I'm reminded of the incredible journey I've been on for the past 33 years, marked by one significant choice: sobriety. Since January 13, 1991, I've embraced a life free from alcohol and drugs.  And the rewards have been abundant.

One of the most profound benefits of being clean for over three decades is the clarity and presence I bring to each moment. In the past, vacations were often clouded by excessive drinking, leading to missed experiences and regrettable decisions. Now, every trip, like my recent visit to the Mexican Riviera, is a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors that I savor fully.

Sobriety has not only enriched my travel experiences but has transformed my entire life. It has given me the gift of authentic relationships, as I no longer hide behind a veil of intoxication. Instead, I connect deeply with others, forging bonds based on genuine understanding and empathy.

Health has also been a cornerstone of my sober journey. Thirty-three years of sobriety mean I wake up each morning with vitality and energy, ready to embrace the day ahead. My physical and mental well-being are priorities, allowing me to pursue passions such as travel, learning, and exploring new cultures without limitations.

Moreover, sobriety has empowered me to achieve personal and professional goals that once seemed unattainable. Clarity of mind and steadfast determination have propelled me forward, leading to career successes and a sense of fulfillment that substances could never provide.

As I look forward to many more years of sobriety, I'm grateful for the freedom it has afforded me—the freedom to live authentically, to experience life's richness to the fullest, and to inspire others by example. Each day is a testament to the power of choice and the infinite possibilities that await when we embrace sobriety and all it has to offer.

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