It might sound brash or arrogant, but TLC guarantees 100% that you can get sober in our program. That is, if you do exactly what we ask you to do.
Never again will you cause yourself to be homeless. Never again will you end up in prison because you committed a crime to support your drug habit. You will no longer lose your wife and children because you drink or use other substances. You will enjoy a new life that you never imagined.
But the key to what I've promised here is the part that reads "...if you do exactly what we ask you to do..." If you have the ability and self-discipline to follow a few simple rules you'll be able to live a clean and sober life.
Most of us have heard someone trying to explain why they relapsed. And it's never about anything they did. It was always their stupid boss, their mean girlfriend, the economy, etc. It was never their fault that they picked up a bag of dope or a bottle from the liquor store. They just couldn't help themselves.
But here at TLC we expose clients to the tools they need to change their lives. We have them go to 12-step meetings for ninety days. We teach them anger management. We offer them intensive outpatient treatment for 90 days and longer.
We allow them to work outside the program after they're with us a while. If they can't find employment on their own we find them jobs through our Labor Group. Or we offer them employment working at TLC in various positions.
In other words, if a client relapses it's not because he doesn't have the tools. Because we taught him how to stay sober through our various programs. He/she relapsed because they didn't use what they were taught during their time with us.
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