Sunday, December 7, 2014

Living Well

When I got into recovery I didn’t take a vow of poverty. And I didn’t start helping other addicts get clean and sober because I wanted to emulate Mother Theresa.  Plain and simple I got into recovery to save my own ass.

When I first started TLC I was working a corporate job as vice-president of business development for a large cable company. And my original plan was to start a 50 bed halfway house as an avocation, sort of a side-line. I figured that working with other addicts would help re-enforce my commitment to stay sober.

And I was right. Next month, God willing, I’ll have been clean and sober for 24 years.  And the halfway house has morphed into 750 beds and multiple businesses.

But the reason for all the above chatter is that a few days ago - because my body was starting to reject my Prius -  I leased an expensive automobile, a 2014 Tesla S.

Afterward, I accidentally overheard a few comments from two residents who had seen my new ride. And the tone of their conversation was that it was over the top. Kind of like how could someone in my position afford to do that?

But the reality is that anyone who works the same job and invests wisely for 24 years should be able to afford what they want. No matter what kind of work they do.

I’m someone who enjoys nice wheels, a decent home, great vacations, and an okay wardrobe. And to get these things I’ve made multiple real estate and other business investments.

I don’t believe God put us here to suffer. To the contrary. I believe we were put here to prosper and enjoy life.

And my idea of enjoying life at 75 years is putting in 45-55 hours a week, hanging out with my hot wife, being on a beach, and driving nice wheels.

But I especially find fulfillment in being available to the addicts and alcoholics who stream through my office and burn up my Iphone 12 to 15 hours a day.

It all kind of balances out.

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