If we can walk away from a drink - or half a drink - with no problems or repercussion or headaches then quite likely we're just a social drinker.
Nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here.
But if the idea of a drink has you salivating and drooling then you might reconsider if you really have a problem or not.
I know that I was an alcoholic and addict long before I'd could or would admit it. No matter what I tried - be it drugs or alcohol - there was never enough for me.
One of my problems was that I had an incredible tolerance. I only overdosed once in my life. And that was after shooting some heroin - after drinking a fifth of White Port. But did that slow me down? Not a bit. The next day I was right back at it even though I might have nearly died.
It took other things for me to finally quit using substances. And the big one was that I was simply tired of being a miserable bum.
One day I told myself that I'd had enough of living like an animal, going rapidly downhill.
I checked into a detox and my life has never been the same since - and that was over 26 years ago.