More than 2900 times I've sat at my laptop and produced a blog,
The first one was completed at a condo in Mission Bay, California while on summer vacation. At the time I really had no plans to be doing this ten or eleven years later. Yet, here I am - still at it.
I was wondering the other day why I keep writing them. And I think I've come up with somewhat of an answer. It fulfills some of my need to express myself in an intelligent manner. When in high school I was a writer for the school paper. When in prison in San Luis Obispo, California, I was the newspaper editor. When I was paroled I became a staff writer for the Santa Ana, Register. Later, when released from prison once more, I started a small advertising paper in a mining town that's still operating over 30 years later.
After I started a website for TLC I thought it would be a good idea to add a blog. First I could share my thoughts about recovery. I could still practice writing. And I could help educate parents that wete being abused by their addict childred. All of those things have happened. And that's what I look at when there are days that I don't feel like writing, I do it anyway.
Keep up the good work.
Love reading your blogs Dad.