Saturday, July 2, 2016

Tough Business

No less than once a month someone will call, wanting to sell us a halfway house.

When I start asking questions I find out why they've decided to move on to another field.

For example someone called today offering to sell us their house. The price was over market. And the other thing is that we're not looking for property right now.

Out of curiosity I asked if he had other houses. And he said he did. Altogether he had around 150 residents. And he added that he only had one other person helping him manage them. That's when I understood why he had the house on the market.

For example our staff/client ratio is about one staff member for every ten clients. That includes managers, mechanics, assistant managers, sales staff, cooks, drivers, night security, maintenance and so on.

Managing a halfway house is a tough business, one I've been in for over 25 years. And if one isn't willing to employ clients, then they'll drive themselves crazy. I remember when TLC had around 40 clients I started looking for help.

At this time we have around 750 residents and over 100 staff members. And even at that ratio it seems that everyone is always busy.

A lot of people look at this as a simple business. But when we're dealing with human lives we have a lot of responsibility to them. We take it seriously.