Monday, March 21, 2022

Acceptance is the Key?

 Acceptance, for me, is one of the cornerstones of the 12-step programs. But what makes it so?  How does one word carry such power?

Personally, I came to realize the power of acceptance in my first year of recovery.  And when I recognized that power I immediately felt free, as if a burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

It came about when I heard another speaker at a meeting say that his life only began to change when he admitted he was completely powerless of over alcohol and drugs.  Now I had known for a long time that I was an alcoholic.  But for some reason I fostered the idea that even though I was an alcoholic I could stop any time I wanted to.  I told myself that I simply didn't want to; my life was fine the way it was.  I just wanted others to leave me alone and I'd be okay.

But that was a lie of denial.  Sure, I could quit for a few days.  But, I'd soon be right back at it, down at the liquor store or market stealing another bottle of wine or six-pack of beer.

When I did a personal inventory I had to cross examine myself and ask if that was the behavior of person who had self-control?  If I had power over my drinking would I risk going to jail simply to get a drink?

And, of course you know the answer.  And once I accepted that answer I made the first tentative step toward recovery because I knew that the answer was within the 12-steps.  And, I just had to follow the directions and I'd be okay.

Acceptance is not only a word that works in AA.  It's a word that is useful in every area of our lives.  When we face an issue for which we have no solution, acceptance sometimes help us at least come to terms with whatever we're facing.

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