Oh my God! 74 years old today!
And I ask myself how I feel about getting old? Then I
tell myself, "getting old? Hell, you're already old."
Where I'm at is that I'm simply grateful to be
alive today. After 38 years of injecting heroin into my body and 42 years of pouring alcohol down my throat I'm happy to have survived. I'm grateful for:
- 22+ years sober and living the Promises.
- A wife who provides loving attention and meets all of my needs..
- A wonderful job, the same one I've had since January 9, 1992.
- The group of loving friends and employees who help me achieve my dreams.
- Being healthy enough to put in six days a week and run a few businesses.
So, what will my day look like? First, off to the gym
at 4 AM for an hour. Then connect with my office remotely and finish up
some paperwork. Somewhere along the way there will be a surprise party. And I know my wife has a couple more gifts for me. She's already bought a
nice recliner and several items of furniture for my new office. If history is
any indication I'll receive congratulations and text messages throughout the
day. There's a package on the way from my children in California.
All nice stuff that reminds me of the blessed life I have
today. And it started when I admitted I was an alcoholic and addict January
14, 1991. It’s a great life living sober.
I recommend it for anyone having
an issue with alcohol or drugs.