Tuesday, August 6, 2013


A client called late one night full of anger because a manager had disciplined him for his behavior. He wanted to see me first thing in the morning to sort out what had happened, implying that he wanted my help to set the manager straight.

I told him I’d see him at my office as soon as I arrived.

However, when I awakened the next morning there was a text message from the client, apologizing for calling me so late the night before. And the message went to say that that he and the manager had talked and that everything was okay – that he realized that he’d been acting like a “dope fiend.”

This is great progress for this client. Because when he first arrived he was full of anger and ego and didn't want anyone telling him anything. He hated group. He disliked his counselor. He hated his probation officer. He was so frustrated that he seemed like he might burst into tears at any moment.

The idea that he was able to evaluate his behavior and admit that he was wrong gives hope that he’ll be able to continue learning how to live sober.

And that’s what our clinic and our program is all about.