A concerned mother gets in touch about her son.
He complained to her that we paid him minimum wage he while he was working with our labor group. And that most of his check went to pay service fees he owed TLC.
I told her that was true. That is the way we operate.
We hear this complaint often from our clients, and sometimes from their families.
In looking at this from their perspective this policy might seem unfair. After all, someone works all day and most of the money goes to pay service fees. What's up with that?
But there's a good reason for this policy.
Most of those who work for our labor group come in with nothing. No job. No work clothes. No tools. No money to pay for housing. No transportation.
We offer them an opportunity to get into recovery. We let them in without money. We provide peer counseling. We clothe them. We find work and provide transportation for them to get there. We feed three meals a day. And they get this on credit.
But when it comes payday and they only end up with a little money in their pocket they're not happy. And we understand that. But as soon as their service fees balance is zero they can find their own job. Then they can do what they want with their money - after they pay service fees.
It's a simple program. But it's one that's hard to understand for those who’ve been self-centered and into self gratification for much of their lives.
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