Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Finding Gratitude

An addict wonders what he has to be grateful for.

He's living in a halfway house. His family's not speaking to him. His kids are somewhere with his ex-wife. His parole officer's threatening him with arrest if he doesn't clean up. He's broke and doesn't have a job.

He goes on and on while I suppress the urge to tell him to stop whining.

Instead, I share with him what I do when I drift toward feeling sorry for myself.
Instead of going there, I look at the world around me. When I do I always find a reason for gratitude.

For example, this morning I saw news coverage of the war in Gaza. Innocent people are dying over the question of who worships the right god.

That one news item reminds me that while I live in an imperfect country, at least I can believe whatever I choose. No one will blow me up for my beliefs.

But we don't have to look at a foreign country. We can look around our own city and find those with challenges - mental, physical, or financial. And sometimes all of them at once.

When you’re feeling down look around you. You’ll find reasons for gratitude.