Relationships. Temptations to use. Getting a job.
What? Getting a job? Going to work? What's that about? How can that be dangerous?
After all, what's more necessary and American than having employment? We need to eat. Pay bills and fines. Be responsible.
It's true. We must work to survive. But for those in early recovery - more often than not - it's the path to relapse.
Clients sometimes leave our program early - having found work - and think they have the answer. They've been clean for a few weeks. It's nice to have money. Working feels good.
And, on top of that, mom and dad think it's a good idea also because they're tired of supporting them.
But after a month or so of working - without recovery support - things change. Life seems kind of flat. Maybe boring. There's not quite enough money to do much more than pay the bills.
There is enough, though, to buy a six pack. Maybe a little smoke. Or a few lines. And besides, I've been working hard. I deserve it. Hmm....
And there begins the cycle again.
The reality is that if jobs kept us clean and sober halfway houses and treatment programs would close down.
There's a time to leave and go to work. But it's not before we have several months grounded in recovery.
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