Friday, November 17, 2017

Radical Changes

Sobriety can bring radical changes to our life.

I'm thinking about this today because yesterday a TLC employee, who's been sober for a few years, told me about her teenage daughter and how well she's doing. There was a look of pride on the mother's face. And a hint of tears in her eyes.

She told me her daughter was soon going to enter training to become a medical assistant.

While this might not seem like a big deal to many of us, only a few years ago the daughter was living with another family member because her mother and father were addicted to heroin. When they came to Arizona from back East they left the daughter with a relative and came to TLC to get clean and sober. They left her behind because they knew she was in a safe place and would be well cared for.

After they were here awhile, the daughter came for a visit. Later on, she returned to stay for good. She enrolled in high school and got a job in the fast food industry. She bought her own car and has been doing well. This is something that might have never happened, had her parents not decided to move to Arizona and change their lives.

Since coming to TLC this family's life has gotten continually better. The father - who also works for TLC - has resolved most of his legal issues. They live in a nice two bedroom apartment. And soon will be moving into a private home.

The blessings this family is experiencing is something anyone can accomplish. But to do what they've done we must work hard and stick to the program – even when things get tough.

That's what happened to this TLC family, and they did it one day at a time by putting in the hard gritty work.

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