Thursday, September 20, 2018


There are many definitions of karma.  Some are from Buddhism.  Others from Hinduism and other religions.  The internet has many definitions, but they all pretty much boil down to the same thing:  what comes around goes around.

And I had a good example of karma recently in my own life. 

I've been in some long-term litigation - as many readers know - something that has drained a lot of my psychic and financial resources.  That's what lawsuits can do to us.

What happened, in this case, is that the party that I'm suing has been lying - even while under oath - about a contractual agreement we'd entered into several years ago.  The other party maintains that she didn't understand the agreement.  That she was pressured into signing it. That she didn't have proper legal representation and so forth.  So the court granted a hearing because it seemed like it was kind of her word against mine.

Then suddenly, out of the blue, I encounter an old friend of the other party, someone I hadn't seen in a while because she lives back East.  She asked how the lawsuit was going and I told her I was going to a hearing in a couple of weeks because the other party was saying she hadn't understood the agreement and was pressured into signing it. Therefore she was attempting to dismantle it.

My friend was aghast.  She told me - something I was unaware of - that she and the woman I'm suing had many lengthy discussions about all aspects of the agreement before it went into effect.  Of course, I immediately passed this information on to my lawyers and they're taking the appropriate legal steps.

I've always believed that when one does the right thing, good things come back to them. In this case, I was doing my best to live up to my end of the contract, but the other party lied about her understanding of it and will ultimately pay the price - karma in action.

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