Monday, September 24, 2018

Raising Children?

Sometimes it seems like we're raising children whose parents didn't finish raising them.  Maybe it's because they didn't care about them.  Or maybe the parents were drug addicts themselves and never developed parenting skills because they were too busy chasing drugs.

We have a lot of clients who don't know how to fend for themselves.  No work experience or job skills.  Not much schooling.  And it's not because they're stupid.  It's because they had no one to guide them when they were growing up.

Many of our clients who come from prison or the streets seem to fall into this category.  They don't know how to apply for a job. They don't have the first clue about how to dress or groom themselves before they look for work.  It's easy to see why they were homeless or in jail

On the positive side, many of them respond when we try to bring them into the world of responsibility.  In fact, many of those who spend six months to a year or more with us learn skills and trades that translate into good jobs out in the real world. 

Many of our clients over the past 26 years have gone on to own their own businesses, have graduated from college and gone on to become productive citizens.

Often getting into recovery is about simply growing up and learning to become responsible.

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