Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Recovery Miracle

I had lunch with a man yesterday who‘s an example of what one can accomplish in recovery. To respect his anonymity I’ll not identify him or his city.

Anyway, some five years ago, after a ten year run of drinking, gambling, meth addiction and manufacturing, he’d had enough. He decided to change his life. And his progress has been dizzying.

After he was in recovery for a few months, he went to a major business in his city and laid his cards on the table. He told the owner he was a drug addict in recovery and wanted to prove himself. The owner gave him a chance.

After several months the owner promoted him because he’d made suggestions that earned the company serious money. Today, some five years later, he’s general manager of that company - making a six figure salary in a down economy.

He married two years ago and has a new baby.

Along with the business he manages, he also operates a recovery program as an avocation. As he told the story of how he started his recovery program it was déjà vu for me. In a city some 300 miles from where TLC began, he started his recovery program - in pretty much the same manner as I did. He didn't worry about licenses. He didn't seek out permits. He simply put beds in an apartment building and started taking in alcoholics and addicts who needed help reentering society. In a short time he had over 100 beds.

This man is doing what any of us can do in sobriety. He found his passion and put it into action. I could see in his eyes and hear in his words the love and passion he has for helping others. He has a blessed life today, not only because he got sober, but also because he helps other people change their lives.

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