Yesterday a manager celebrating five years at TLC came to my office with gratitude.
He entered TLC the day he walked off the prison yard. He had no money. No place to go. Only the clothes on his back. It was his first recovery program. What he did have, though, was a strong resolve to change the course of his life, a compelling desire to quit using methamphetamines.
And he did. Instead of returning to his pre-prison life, he became immersed in the 12-step programs. He started working with TLC's construction crew.
And he’s been doing pretty much the same thing ever since - a day at a time. Within a short time he became a crew leader, and today’s in charge of TLC’s construction and maintenance. He never says no, he never quits until the job is done.
His efforts to change have brought blessings. He and his sweetheart- also a TLC graduate – share a home and are expecting a child any minute. When he talks of his relationship - and their baby - his eyes sparkle and one can sense his joy at this gift from God.
This man has taken advantage of the opportunity he was presented, the chance he was given.
Any client who wants to succeed at TLC can ask him how he he’s doing it. Because he’s another example of how our program works