Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Getting the Message

A client who's been with us more than once seems different lately,

He has a sense of peace about him; he's not consumed with anxiety.

While sharing in group he uses terms like "a day at a time." And "living in the moment."

And sitting in the circle across from him I wonder what happened? How did he finally catch on?

Did the daily repetition of. messages about recovery finally soak through the denial and resistance?

Did living for month after month in our recovery environment change his thinking?

One never knows. Because if we knew exactly what happened with him then we would have the formula to give others.

Just do x, y and z and you'll be fine. You'll stay sober and your life won't turn to shit once more.

But that's not how it works.

Some of us get it from meetings, others from a sponsor. Some from the bible or church.

Ultimately the path we take to recovery is not that important. The important thing is that we get there.